Zinc Data File Version 4.0 w1/ w1/ w1/ w1/+ UIW_WINDOW UI_BITMAP UI_ICON UI_HELP UI_HPP UI_CPP. UI_MESSAGE0 DERIVE_TABLE SAVE_APPLICATION STATUS_WINDOW COPYRIGHT ZAF_HELP_INDEX ZAF_SERVICE_MANAGER SAVE_APPLICATION Save & Exit Application BTN_YES BTN_NO BTN_CANCEL &Cancel FIELD_1 ASTERISK FIELD_FILE_SAVE Do you want to save %s before exiting? STATUS_WINDOW Status Window STATUS_FIELD COPYRIGHT Zinc Designer Version 4.0 FLD_COPYRIGHT This is an evaluation copy of Zinc Designer, part of Zinc Application Framework 4.0. It is provided for temporary evaluation purposes only. Any other use requires the purchase of appropriate licenses from Zinc. The software is provided "AS IS", without warranty of any kind, including any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. Copyright (c) 1990-1994 Zinc Software Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. NUMID_VT_SCROLL$ BTN_CONTINUE ~Continue BTN_EXIT E~xit ZAF_HELP_INDEX Help, Index... QUESTION ZAF_SERVICE_MANAGER Service Manager MENU$ &File FILE_NEW &New... FILE_OPEN &Open... FILE_SAVE &Save FILE_SAVE_AS Save &As... FILE_CLOSE &Close FILE_SEP1 FILE_DELETE &Delete... FILE_SEP2 FILE_EXIT E&xit TOOLS &Tools SERVICE &Service SERVICE_LOAD &Load... ~Help HELP_INDEX Index... HELP_SEP1 HELP_SERVICE Service HELP_SEP2 HELP_ABOUT About Zinc Designer... APPLICATION ASTERISK EXCLAMATION QUESTION HELP_GENERAL About Zinc Designer Zinc Designer allows you to create and modify .DAT files. .DAT files can be used to load resource windows dynamically at run-time, to store translations of text strings, to provide internationalization data, to provide images for an application, or to store help information. The Designer is divided into several components, each of which can be used to work on specific information within the .DAT file. These components are: WINDOW EDITOR The Window Editor is used to create and modify resource windows. DEFAULTS EDITOR The Defaults Editor is used to create and modify tables of language strings and locale formatting data used by Zinc. This information is accessed at run-time to produce localized applications. MESSAGE EDITOR The Message Editor is used to create and modify tables of messages which can be loaded by your application at run-time and used wherever text strings are required. IMAGE EDITOR The Image Editor provides options for creating icon, bitmap, and mouse cursor images that can be used throughout your application. HELP EDITOR The Help Editor allows you to interactively create help contexts that can be associated in a language independent fashion within your applications. STRING EDITOR The String Editor allows you to use characters within your application which are not available from a standard keyboard. For example, if you need to translate your application into Chinese, the Chinese characters needed can be accessed from within the String Editor. Since this is accomplished using the complete Unicode character set, the String Editor is available only in Unicode mode. Copyright (C) 1991-1994 Zinc Software Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. w1/ w1/E SAVE_APPLICATION HELP_CONTEXTS MSG_TABLE STATUS_WINDOW COPYRIGHT ZAF_HELP_INDEX ZAF_SERVICE_MANAGER DERIVED_OBJECTS const ZIL_NUMBERID BTN_YES = 0x0003;= const ZIL_NUMBERID BTN_NO = 0x0004;= const ZIL_NUMBERID BTN_CANCEL = 0x0005;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_1 = 0x0002;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_FILE_SAVE = 0x0007; const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_GENERAL = 0x0001; // About Zinc Designer const ZIL_NUMBERID ZMSG_MODE_UNICODE = 0x00C8;= const ZIL_NUMBERID ZMSG_MODE_OEM = 0x00C9;= const ZIL_NUMBERID ZMSG_MODE_ISO = 0x00CA;= const ZIL_NUMBERID ZMSG_NONE = 0x00CB;= const ZIL_NUMBERID ZMSG_NO_FILE = 0x00CC;= const ZIL_NUMBERID ZMSG_UNTITLED = 0x00CD;= const ZIL_NUMBERID ZMSG_UNDEFINED = 0x00CE;= const ZIL_NUMBERID ZMSG_TEMP_FILENAME = 0x00CF;= const ZIL_NUMBERID ZMSG_TEMP_RESOURCENAME = 0x00D0;= const ZIL_NUMBERID ZMSG_APPLICATION_TAG = 0x00D1; const ZIL_NUMBERID STATUS_FIELD = 0x0003; const ZIL_NUMBERID FLD_COPYRIGHT = 0x0001;= const ZIL_NUMBERID BTN_CONTINUE = 0x0005;= const ZIL_NUMBERID BTN_EXIT = 0x0006; const ZIL_NUMBERID MENU = 0x0001;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FILE = 0x0002;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FILE_NEW = 0x0003;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FILE_OPEN = 0x0004;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FILE_SAVE = 0x0005;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FILE_SAVE_AS = 0x0006;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FILE_CLOSE = 0x001F;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FILE_SEP1 = 0x0007;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FILE_DELETE = 0x0008;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FILE_SEP2 = 0x0022;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FILE_EXIT = 0x0023;= const ZIL_NUMBERID TOOLS = 0x002A;= const ZIL_NUMBERID SERVICE = 0x0021;= const ZIL_NUMBERID SERVICE_LOAD = 0x0020;= const ZIL_NUMBERID HELP = 0x0024;= const ZIL_NUMBERID HELP_INDEX = 0x0025;= const ZIL_NUMBERID HELP_SEP1 = 0x0026;= const ZIL_NUMBERID HELP_SERVICE = 0x0027;= const ZIL_NUMBERID HELP_SEP2 = 0x0028;= const ZIL_NUMBERID HELP_ABOUT = 0x0029; ZAF_SERVICE_MANAGER STATUS_WINDOW" SAVE_APPLICATION& ZAF_HELP_INDEX* COPYRIGHT OBJECTID USER_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTION OBJECTID USER_FUNCTION! COMPARE_FUNCTION w1/ w1/^ w1/ w1/_ w1/ w1/` OBJECTID$ USER_FUNCTION% COMPARE_FUNCTION OBJECTID( USER_FUNCTION) COMPARE_FUNCTION OBJECTID, USER_FUNCTION- COMPARE_FUNCTION MSG_TABLE ZMSG_MODE_UNICODE UNICODE ZMSG_MODE_OEM ZMSG_MODE_ISO ZMSG_NONE ZMSG_NO_FILE ZMSG_UNTITLED ZMSG_UNDEFINED ZMSG_TEMP_FILENAME P_TEMP.DAT ZMSG_TEMP_RESOURCENAME RES_%d_%d_%#02d%#02d%#02d ZMSG_APPLICATION_TAG Zinc Designer 4.0